Stop letting your past control your present and determine your future. There is a path that will lead to a new beginning. You just need to take the first step.  Le Bey Mc Callaghan BA (Psyc), HED, Hons, RTTP, C.Hyp

RTT® Rapid Transformational Therapy

RTT® embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, neurolinguistic programming and neuroscience that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients. 

Book your FREE 30-minute consultation today.  I look forward to meeting you!   

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What is Rapid Transformational Therapy?

How does Rapid Transformational Therapy® work?

Our Subconscious as a Recording Device

Through RTT, this unique approach can be very effective in addressing issues such as the following:   



Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


Introduction.... In this video Marissa Peer discusses her award winning transformational therapy.

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